This project was a fun and rewarding experience, created using the Swamp Environment by PackDev on FAB as the base.
For lighting, I focused on setting the right mood, choosing an enchanted, fairytale theme with green and yellow tones that contrast with the pink lotus as the focal point.
To guide the viewer’s eye, I created depth by differentiating the foreground, midground, and background with unique lighting. The foreground is darker, the background lighter, and the midground bridges the two.
To enhance the magical atmosphere, I added fog and godrays for a fantasy vibe. I also swapped the original fly simulation for glowing lightning bugs to better fit the enchanted theme.
Finally, I fine-tuned the camera settings to achieve a cinematic look with the right lens and exposure adjustments.
This is the final result of the Lotus project, made in Unreal Engine 5.
This project presented a significant challenge. The environment used was the Sci-Fi Desert Biome by KK Design on FAB.
The first step in lighting the scene involved major set dressing to find the right camera angle. I also encountered issues importing the map, requiring me to build my own scene within the larger environment.
Choosing the mood and tone was difficult, but I ultimately went for a mysterious, golden hour aesthetic with monochrome orange and yellow tones.
Lighting such a vast open space was another challenge, as it involved managing more lights than I was accustomed to. I encountered some minor shadow inconsistencies, which I resolved by adjusting material and light settings.
To add a sense of mystery, I incorporated heavy fog and dust to obscure the background, making the character feel like they’re gazing into the unknown. I also used other environmental assets to create interesting silhouettes that enhanced the mysterious vibe.
Finally, I adjusted the camera settings for a more cinematic look, fine-tuning the lens and exposure.
And that wraps up the Desert project in Unreal Engine 5.
The Dungeon
This project was both fun and challenging to create! The environment used was the Dungeon Environment by PackDev on FAB.
I knew from the beginning that I wanted to create a spooky atmosphere with a supernatural twist, so I animated the lights to turn on by themselves.
The lighting evolved significantly from the start to the end of the scene to ensure a clear visual separation. For the main scene, I used high-key lighting, keeping fill and rim light to a minimum and allowing the key light to focus the viewer’s attention. This approach made the lighting effect of the torches turning on more realistic. In the beginning, I used a fake skylight to gently illuminate the individual cells, which was quickly overtaken by the vibrant torchlight as it activated.
To enhance realism, I also animated each light’s intensity to vary randomly, simulating the flickering effect of fire rather than a constant light source like a lightbulb.
To add a musty feel to the dungeon and convey depth in the narrow hallway, I introduced fog. Since the lighting shifts from cool to warm, the fog subtly changes color to match the lighting, enhancing the atmosphere.
Finally, I adjusted the camera settings to give the scene a more cinematic look through lens and exposure adjustments.
And that wraps up the Dungeon project in Unreal Engine 5!